Animation from grid data/files:

Hi, I have opened this GMT.jl issue that explains some of the details involved in the movie usage and to track future improvements.

But regarding your case, I think that if you rename the input .txt files to *_Vgrdimg_N.txt, where N = 0:n_files-1, the next piece of code should a working base that you can tune. Note, you must adapt the frames = ??? to your number of files.

function pre_sc()
	makecpt(cmap=:roma, range=(-6.8, 5.0, 0.1), H=true, name="lixo.cpt");
function main2_sc()
	surface("51915_Vgrdimg_" * "MOVIE_FRAME" * ".txt", incols="0,1,2", proj=(name=:lambertConic, center=[-90 35], parallels=[33 45]), region=(-124.4, -53.0, 24.8, 49.2), inc=0.1, mask=0.3, save="lixo.grd");
	grdimage("lixo.grd", shade=true, cmap="lixo.cpt", proj=(name=:lambertConic, center=[-90 35], parallels=[33 45]), frame=:auto, title = "Vertical Residual Values")
	coast!(ocean=:gray, shore=0.5)
movie(main2_sc, pre=pre_sc, C="hd", name=:deforms, frames=10, format=:mp4, frame_rate=10, V=true)

Put this in a script and include(it.jl)

EDIT: Sorry, forgot to say. Before a version > 1.13.3 comes out, the master version is needed to run the above.