Analysis of the Julia Ecosystem (license and package status)

JuliaString/ICU.jl is not DEVELOPMENT, it is for v0.5 / v0.6 of Julia only, and has been superseded by
JuliaString/StrICU.jl (which works on v0.6 and above) (both are registered in METADATA)

Note: nolta/ICU.jl, which has recently been moved to JuliaStrings/ICU.jl (note the “s”!!!), is obsolete
(I should know, I made the last major changes to it, before simply maintaining my fork, and the METADATA registry was changed a while ago to point to the rewritten / improved version in JuliaString).

In entry 1256 the name of the package is wrong: it should be Gnuplot, but GnuTLS is reported.

Also, I think ParserCombinator.jl needs to be marked UNMAINTAINED at this point. I don’t know that Andrew’s found replacement maintainers yet.

I am afraid this is mis-attributed:
rcalxrc08 FinEtools OK

It should be
PetrKryslUCSD FinEtools GitHub - PetrKryslUCSD/FinEtools.jl: Finite Element tools in Julia OK

Me and @CarloLucibello almost finished bringing it up to 0.6 compact.

I though we merged it but apparently not
I believe we have commit privs on it

Is he looking for one?
I think that would be a great addition to (I love parsers & compilers!)

The issue with LCIO is that the config Julia languages is NULL for most of the jobs. Where you using a custom specification or script? I will manually correct this package.

I have updated the methodology, implementation, and presentation. I used the information collected here to validate it. Thanks and enjoy.

sorry, but where is this analysis? Cannot find it on the original link

true and false whether the package has a a production ready release for Julia 0.6… Only considers Github repositories with OSI-approved licenses and that are not deprecated.

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I’m not sure i understand what that means.
Pkg.add(“LCIO”) works in v0.6, on linux at least, and it’s configured in travis, and the build for the release was fine.
What config are you referring to?

I use the Travis CI API with the slug owner/repo to get the various branches, jobs status, and configuration matrices. If a branch has in the configuration 0.6 or release (for when 0.6 was a released version), I check whether it has the status = passed. Otherwise, I look at each job in the failed/error jobs and look for a job that passed the CI with 0.6. See for example, Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence. The configuration settings do not specify the Julia version which is why my script is not picking it up.

I see. Yeah, sorry, I didn’t think to specify the julia version until recently. The package currently only works on 0.6. I specify 0.7-beta for master, but that doesn’t work, yet.