Addprocs with SSH and a ProxyJump times out

@ararslan Did you get this to work? Unfortunately the suggested approach (control master) doesn’t work for me. A worker process gets started on the node (see htop in the gif below) but on the master I get

julia> addprocs(["l96"]; params...)
ERROR: TaskFailedException

    nested task error: unable to create SSH tunnel after 100 tries. No free port?


Any ideas what I could do to fix this? I didn’t expect that it would be so hard to start a worker through a ssh tunnel that works just fine from the terminal. :frowning_face:

My parameters:

julia> using Distributed

julia> params = (exename=`nice -19 /home/bauer/bin/julia-1.6.1/bin/julia --project=/home/bauer/JuliaNRWSS21`, dir="/home/bauer", tunnel=true, topology=:master_worker)
(exename = `nice -19 /home/bauer/bin/julia-1.6.1/bin/julia --project=/home/bauer/JuliaNRWSS21`, dir = "/home/bauer", tunnel = true, topology = :master_worker)

julia> addprocs(["l96"]; params...)