A Unified Interface for Rootfinding

I am aware that reviving such an old thread is bad practice. I do however estimate that the relevant discussion is already here, much better formulated than I would have done myself, and that I should bump all the right people. Please let me know if this is simply the wrong way to go about it.

Has any progress been achieved in this? Is there still interest in finding some unifying root-finding API? I want want to put in my personal preference for roots() as opposed to find_roots() - the last one is equivalent to a mouthful for my fingers.

We’re building one for SciML called NonlinearSolve.jl. It came up as a big issue because we needed one to match with ModelingToolkit. More details should come in about a few months, unless someone wants to help finish it.


NonlinearSolve.jl is up and out there.
