Category | Topics |
AnnouncementsLow traffic category for important announcements, mostly Julia releases and JuliaCon.
New to JuliaEverybody is new to Julia at some point. Whether you are struggling with the installation or you just can’t figure out why you are not seeing the performance everybody else seems to be talking about, this is the place to start!
General UsageQuestions and discussions about using Julia and its packages. The Performance subcategory can be used for dedicated discussions about maximizing speed.
Specific DomainsDiscussion of Julia in various specialized subject domains that have a dedicated community. Don’t see your domain? Fear not, post your topic in general usage.
JuliaConThis category is for general discussion about JuliaCon in general. For discussions that are specific to a particular year’s convention, you can use the subcategories.
ToolingTooling around Julia
Package AnnouncementsA place to announce new Julia packages and versions.
CommunityNon-technical topics of the Julia community, including announcements, founding/deprecation of Julia related websites or local communities, new publications or other resources, advertisements, etc.
JobsWelcome to the Julia Job board!
Internals & DesignDiscussion of the development of Julia itself: language design, implementation and standard library. For questions about using Julia, use the Usage category.
Meta DiscussionMeta-discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
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OfftopicTopics that are not about Julia or do not fit in any other category.